These days, homeowners are bombarded with information about making their homes more energy-efficient, but so much information is generalized. It's hard to know if you'll actually reduce your energy usage or cut your energy bills because the statistics most ads and articles Ventanas Termopanel en Puerto Montt quote are national, not local. That's why we've compiled information about replacing your single pane windows in the Kansas City area. We have specific information to help you understand what energy-efficient windows mean for your particular region! Keep reading to learn why replacement windows in Kansas City make great sense-environmentally and economically
Older homes typically still have single pane windows, which are surprisingly inefficient. Uninsulated and frequently ill-fitting, this type of window allows heat transfer through the glass as well as being drafty. This means that whether you're heating or cooling your home, a substantial percentage of your energy is escaping through your windows! Thermal windows greatly reduce this energy transfer through glazing and insulation (between multiple panes of glass). And with installation by professional window contractors in Kansas City, you get a snugly fitting window with no leaks around the frame.
You hear a lot about thermal windows today, but are they really right for your home? The simple answer is yes. Window replacement in your Kansas City house will help you reduce your energy usage and save big. According to Energy Star (a government-backed organization supporting energy-efficiency), the average national savings when you replace your single pane windows with Energy-Star rated double pane windows is between $124 and $340 on annual energy costs. In Kansas City, home owners who make the same improvements save an average of $355 a year on energy bills, just over the national average.
Additionally, homeowners in Kansas City are eligible for government credits on energy-efficient windows. Although there are no local rebates in your area, you are eligible for federal tax credits when you install qualifying Energy Star windows. For windows installed in 2009 and 2010, you can recoup30% of the cost (up to $1,500). These tax credits help offset the initial cost of installing energy-efficient replacement windows and enable the energy savings to add up faster for Kansas City residents!
With all the information about energy savings, it's hard to know what applies to your Kansas City home. We hope that this specific information has helped you get a better understanding of what replacing your old windows with thermal windows means for you. For example, unlike in warmer climates where energy savings are not as dramatic, Kansas City residents will quickly see the benefits of installing energy-efficient replacement windows.